Crazy toad on disney movie
Crazy toad on disney movie

crazy toad on disney movie

that tree is talking to me!" Face made of green bark and with hollow black eyes, old lady Willow looks like something Guillermo del Toro might sketch after a particularly bad cheese nightmare, but in the Disney universe, a tree with a face – and a song to sing! - is par for the course.

crazy toad on disney movie

Grandmother Willow – Pocahontas "Pocahontas. Carell doesn't bother telling him what he already knows. Who wants to talk to a guy in a tree?" laughs Murray. That you only see his face – his needy, desperate, smiling face – poking out of a knot-hole makes it all the more hilarious.

crazy toad on disney movie

Agent 13 – Get Smart In what must qualify as the oddest cameo of Bill Murray's career – yes, even stranger than Zombieland – the legendary funnyman plays second fiddle to Steve Carell's Agent Smart, pleading to spend one more minute in his company while suffering the indignity of lodging inside a tree costume. As trees go, however, this one is definitely not suitable for picnics or late-night rambles. That something as innocuous and mundane as your run-of-the-mill tree could be turned into such a devious device of horror is testament to the mischievous mind of filmmaker Sam Raimi – he could make a bowl of cereal seem evil given the right camera angles. Possessed Tree – Evil Dead It's one of the most horrendous images of the video nasty era in the UK: The demonically possessed branches of a tree invading the body of Ellen Sandweiss to the sounds of her screaming. Night Shyamalan was onto something with The Happening. Planted in 1971, it hides a secret passage between the school grounds and the Shrieking Shack, and if anyone tries to pass, they get a bloody great branch thwipped to the face – legend has it one Hogwarts student almost lost an eye trying to touch its trunk. Not the Whomping Willow of Hogwarts – this perennial plant has attitude. The Whomping Willow – Harry Potter Trees are idiots, for the most part – they just sit there sulking while you carve your initials into them and climb all over them. Rule of thumb: If you find any tree in the woods that you can climb inside or scurry beneath, or that contains a portal to a world of mystery, give it a miss. No, the tree in Pan's Labyrinth is a twisted oak that's home to all manner of disgusting bugs and insects, not to mention an over-amorous toad with a key to immortality in its belly. And yet we love him so! Toad Tree – Pan's Labyrinth This being a tree designed by Guillermo del Toro, you won't be surprised to discover it's not the kind of tree you gather your friends beneath to have tea parties. Despite the fact that he and his Ent brothers played their part in the eventual downfall of Saruman and the Orc armies, he sounds like the tree equivalent of the kind of person you get stuck behind walking through the London Underground. Or perhaps not: Treebeard speaks in a deliberately slow manner, is careful not to rush anything (motto: "Do not be hasty") and almost bores Pippin and Merry to tears during their lengthy encounter. 2, followed by Teen Groot! Treebeard – The Lord of the Rings: The TwoTowers He's the big daddy in the Forest of Fangorn, the eldest of the Ents – and a hoot at parties. Of course, we still mourn the original Groot, but Baby Groot took his place in Guardians Vol. Also, he's quite nice to sit under when it's sunny out. You see, Groot is actually super-intelligent and something of an expert in quasi-dimensional super-positional engineering – it's just that Groot's wooden larynx renders the subtleties of his speech void to human ears. Capable of saying just three words – "I am Groot" – he's not the most chatty of trees, but he puts more inflection into those three words than you might think. Groot – Guardians Of The Galaxy Actually, Groot isn't a tree at all – he's a sentient, tree-like creature from outer space who is (in the comics) the monarch of Planet X, and not just somewhere for dogs to wee up in the park.

Crazy toad on disney movie